History of the Lodge

Since 1817, Benevolent Lodge No. 3 has a long and prestigious history here in Milledgeville, Georgia. In 1827 the Benevolent Lodge was No. 9 in the list of Georgia Lodges.
In December of 1829 the Grand Lodge constitution was amended and Benevolent Lodge No. 9 became No. 6 on the list until November 17, 1938 when the number was changed to No. 3.
In 1827 there were two Blue Lodges in Milledgeville, Benevolent No. 9 and Fraternal No. 20. In October of 1828, by mutual agreement of both Lodges, they merged into one, Benevolent No. 9.
In November of 1828 it was decided by the Lodge members to undertake the raising of funds to build a Masonic Hall by lottery. At the time the Lodge met in the Darien Bank Building. The State authorized the Lodge to raise, by lottery, the sum of $25,000 for construction of the Masonic Hall in the town of Milledgeville on December 9, 1828.
The cornerstone for the Masonic Hall was laid June 25, 1832 by R.W. Samuel Rockwell, and assisted by William Davis, Thomas Greene, E .H. Pierce, P. Wright, John Miller, Drury Murphy, John Mitchell, and William Hill.
In June of 1834 the building of the Masonic Hall was complete and ready for occupancy. Judge I. L. Harris was the first Worshipful Master to serve in the new Lodge building.